Campus life
at Paris School of Business

Paris School of Business, école de commerce
International Day à Paris School of Business
9 October 2023
International Day at Paris School of Business

Campus life

Conférence Internationale sur la Transformation Numérique de la Société
4 May 2023
International Conference on Digital Transformation Society

Campus life

Workshop Banks and Financial Markets
24 April 2023
Workshop Banks and Financial Markets

Campus life

Roundtable: «Valorising the patient experience: What place for patient participation and experiential knowledge?»
9 February 2023
Roundtable: «Valorising the patient experience: What place for patient participation and experiential knowledge?»

Campus life

Octobre Rose : Paris School of Business se mobilise contre le cancer du sein !
22 October 2020
October Rose: Paris School of Business swing into action to fight breast cancer !

Campus life