Bachelor Marketing & Digital in Luxury

Bachelor Marketing & Digital in Luxury

Entry level
2 years of post-secondary study

Diploma awarded
State-recognized Bachelor’s degree (3 years post-secondary, RNCP level 6*)

Durée de formation

1 year, starting in September

Language of instruction


Full-time study

Frais de scolarité
Tuition fees
€9 500 per year

The Bachelor Marketing & Digital in Luxury in detail

The third year of the Bachelor’s program is State-recognized and overseen.

The Marketing & Digital in Luxury specialization can be accessed via the parallel admissions process following two years of post-secondary studies.

This program covers the fundamentals of retail, marketing and management applied to the luxury sector.

It enables interested students to continue similar studies to Masters level.

*The level 6 (NSF 313) "Diplôme en management général et international" awarded by PSB Paris School of Business is RNCP registered under the reference number 36785 by the Director General of France compétences as of 01/09/2022.

Aim of the specialization

The specialization has been designed to provide students with the tenets of management needed to progress within the luxury sector, whilst preparing themselves for the working world that awaits.

The overall aim of the program is to equip students with a broad, sectorial overview that will help guide them towards their profession of choice.

They work on real case studies, meet with representatives of the sector, are encouraged to challenge themselves during interviews with working professionals, and hone their analytical spirit via in-the-field reporting.

The Bachelor provides total immersion into the luxury business.


An international program

An international program geared towards new luxury business challenges

The fundamentals

Core courses enable students to acquire a general luxury culture

An evolving Bachelor

The program evolves on a gradual basis in line with market changes.

Innovation and creativity

A teaching approach defined by innovation and creativity

Specializations in the third year of the Bachelor

3 000
Partner companies

18 846

* Figures Paris School of Business 2023

A word from the Head of Specialization

Valérie HAIE

"The international aspect to this program and the fact it is taught entirely in English means that students are plunged totally into the current spirit of the luxury industry, where it is now necessary to be fully open to the world around us. There is no better place than Paris to learn the fundamentals of luxury. Being in such close proximity to French luxury brands provides the best possible means to understanding how they work in reality and where their strengths lie. "

Valérie HAIE
Head of Specialization

Program description

This specialization is geared towards studying the main segments of the luxury market, the challenges they face, and their economic development.

Emphasis is placed upon social trends, especially with the emergence of Gen Z, and the initial foundations of understanding the various activities within the luxury industry are laid.

Managing a luxury brand is a difficult task, one that requires an extremely delicate balance between creativity and design, as well as significant work on brand image and corporate targets.

Faced with the current explosion of digitalization and the increasing importance given to sustainable development, the communication and marketing of luxury products has become more multiform, and students must learn to align themselves with these new objectives.

Assimilating these new challenges underpins the various subject areas covered by the program, as well as the teaching approach employed.

Total class time for the year is 539hrs.

Admission to the Bachelor in Marketing & Digital in Luxury program

The admissions procedure for acceptance onto the third year of the Bachelor’s program comprises analysis of an application dossier, an English test and a one-to-one interview.

File review

  •  ID photography
  •  Copy of passport or identity card
  •  A copy of high school diploma and any other diploma obtained since high school, with a translation in French if the original is not in English or French
  •  A school certificate for the current academic year (2023/2024) if applicable
  •  French test results obtained (TCF, DELF/DALF) if French is not the native language.
  •  Supporting statement from a teacher, head of institution, or an employer (not mandatory but strongly recommended)
  •  Resume and a cover letter
  •  Reference letter from a professor or a former employer, or any relevant person including contact details of the referral
  •  €100 for the application fees (€50 for state scholarship students upon presentation of the notified final decision)

English test

English test results obtained (IELTS/TOEFL TOEIC) in last 2 years for applicants to have already taken a test.

If you are not in a position to provide this official grade, you will receive a link to an online test.

Minimum level required for applicants to programs in English:


Individual interview

The aim of this interview is to assess your degree of motivation and open-mindedness, as well as to evaluate the complementarity of your personality, your knowledge and the teaching delivered at Paris School of Business.

It is also designed to assess your ability to imagine/construct an idea and suggest an original solution to an issue.

Personalized support

We offer personalized support for people suffering from disabilities as well as for sportspeople, artists, and entrepreneurs. To find out more, consult our specially dedicated page.

What to do after the course ?


Professional integration

Following successful completion of the Bachelor in Audit & Management Control specialization, graduates can aspire to a wide range of positions, such as the following:

   Head of a Luxury Boutique
   Brand Manager
   Communications Officer
   Visual Merchandiser
   Personal Shopper
   Head of Digital Marketing
   Head of Customer Relations
   Community Manager


of students continuing studies


of graduating students currently employed

Results indicators 2022


satisfied with the training received


of Bachelor’s students obtained their diploma

Continuation of studies

Graduates may also opt to continue their studies by choosing to take a Master of Science or our Master’s program.

Master of Science

The MSc provides the opportunity to obtain a dual managerial and technical skillset with a view to an international career. The school offers an array of MSc specializations.


The Master Program

Following the Bachelor’s program, the Master’s period of study lasts two years and can be accessed via the parallel admissions procedure. It is available with 15 specializations, 13 of which are carried out in work-study mode over two years.



How to finance your training?

Tuition fees

The cost of the training program is €9 500 per year, several financing options are available:


The CROUS state scholarship is allocated depending upon the parents of a student’s tax return and based upon the income of the household, the number of dependent children and the distance from the school or university. It is paid in 10 monthly installments by the Crous, via bank transfer.

Financial support for students going abroad:

  • The European Erasmus scholarship
  • Regional financial aid
  • The OFAJ scholarship
  • The AMOPA scholarship

Other scholarships

Students may also receive financial help from:

  • Their parents’ employers
  • FEDEEH scholarship


An agreement between Paris School of Business and the banks BNP Paribas, LCL and Société Générale facilitates access to deposit-free loans.

These banks offer preferential interest rates to business school students with a guarantor, thereby enabling them to finance their studies.

The State-guaranteed student loan

The State has at its disposal a student loan guarantee fund in partnership with several banking organizations (Société Générale, Crédit Mutuel, C.I.C, Banque Populaire and certain Caisses d’Épargne). They may grant a loan of up to €15 000 for students under 28 years old, of French, EU or EEA nationality, with no required level of income, parental or third-party guarantee.

The Bachelor in Marketing & Digital in Luxury's pedagogy

Assessment methodology

Successful completion of the five required blocks delivers the intended diploma in Banking & Finance at Bachelor level and the associated level 6 RNCP certificate.

The skill validation frame of reference is based upon written and oral assessment methods, including the following:

  • Case studies 
  • Professional simulation exercises
  • Roleplay exercises
  • Individual and group projects
  • Professional placement report

Current academic year: 2023-2024

Teaching format

Over the course of their time at Paris School of Business, students receive a varied teaching approach in order to nurture their creativity and adaptability.

Teaching formats :

  • Groupwork
  • Theory classes
  • Professional simulation exercises
  • Inverted classes
  • Business Games
  • Full-semester projects
  • Workshops

Competency targets


For successful completion of their Bachelor, students must validate the six following skillsets.

If students do not validate all the skillsets required for obtaining the professional certificate but successfully completes all skills related to one of the sets, each of the skillsets concerned will have been definitively validated.

1. Deployment of a corporate strategy at department level

2. Management of an entity's financial activities

3. Transdisciplinary project management

 Team or department management

5. Development and enhancement of professional skills

6. Develop a marketing and communications strategy

This program cannot be combined with another training program.

However, partial certification with another program is possible (see the RNCP diploma file).

In addition, prior professional experience may be validated with credits upon request, which must be submitted by email to:

For further information on the validation of prior experience at PSB, please visit the following page.



For any questions regarding the Bachelor’s program, please contact the Admissions service.

Fanta BAYA

Bachelor’s Program Admissions Officer



See below for details of upcoming Paris School of Business events:

Preparation for SESAME writing
Wednesday 17 January 2024 - 14h to 17h


Open days

Saturday 27 January 2024

Student testimonials

Sophia Beatrix JEON

This training program opened many doors to me, providing the opportunity to meet with many people from the luxury sector. I found myself working with top faculty in a multicultural environment. Creative in-class projects and visiting Paris’ luxury boutiques helped get me out of my comfort zone, which was the best possible way to learn.

This has been a truly rewarding experience. I can’t recommend this international program highly enough to students coming from abroad.


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Your data will be kept for a period of 3 years; to learn more about the management of your personal data and to exercise your rights, please consult the school's data protection policy or send an email to the data protection officer of the school of your choice.

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