Aastha Khanna



Bachelor of Business Administration Alumnus - Class of 2013

I graduated from the Bachelor of Business Administration with a major in Finance and electives in Accounting and Supply Chain. I was fascinated with the energy industry and wanted to travel after graduating, so I moved to South Korea to work for British Petroleum (BP) as Contracts and Project Administrator.

Working for a British company, in South Korea, for a project which sources its materials from around the world- I was in the heart of a global business environment. Korea’s working culture is quite different to what I had experienced before, however, resonant of the international environment at PSB, I was able to adapt quickly to my new surroundings.

In June 2014, I started working for Shell Australia as Risk Analyst and Reporting Engineer.

In my current role I am involved in identifying potential risks for mega-projects within countless business foundations - from calculating positive financial investments, supply chain coordination, organizational effectiveness, understanding state and federal government policies, human resources concerns,  just to name a few. These risks are quantified to a cost figure, their schedule impact is established to prevent delays and miscoordination of resources, minimize quality defects and ensure safety is upheld across all business areas. I thoroughly enjoy the challenging and robust environment I work in and it continues to be a fantastic learning experience.

I strongly believe that the combination of the various subjects I studied while at PSB and the experiences I gained have been paramount in the roles I have been able to apply myself to in the 'world of work'.

I feel very lucky to have studied at PSB and hope to continue maintaining strong links with the PSB community.
