Seminar « Computer Algorithms prefer headless women »

Research Seminar « Computer Algorithms prefer headless women »

On January 26, the Department of Management of Paris School of Business will host the Research Seminar “Computer Algorithms prefer headless women” by Grazia Cecere.

Seminar « Computer Algorithms prefer headless women »

Grazia Cecere is a Professor of Economics at Institut Mines Telecom Business School. She completed her Ph.D in Economics at the University of Paris Sud (France) and the University of Turin (Italy). Her main research interests are digital economy and more particularly the economics of privacy, algorithms and machine learning, economics of mobile applications, and digital marketing. In 2019, she was awarded the "Marie-Dominique Hagelsteen'' prize for responsible advertising by the French professional regulation of advertising authority.

During the seminar she will present at Paris School of Business (R43 classroom), she will talk about algorithms and how they influence the content people see. This study runs three versions of the same set of ad campaigns on two different digital ad venues on behalf of a French technical college, to explore how algorithms allocate pictorial content that displays gender.

While they used to take several days to analyze the best photos, they are now increasingly reducing the learning phases and are less adaptable to user preferences. This paper underlines potential tradeoffs introduced by the learning phase of algorithms.

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