Artist Manager

Artist Manager

The international dimension of the art market offers artists many opportunities. Organizing and managing their careers, their exhibitions, and of course their representation, is a real job that requires many qualities, both human and technical. At the same time mediator, commercial, strategic planner, negotiator, in charge of events and press relations, the function of Artist Manager is as varied as it is exciting.

What is an artist agent? 

An artist's agent takes charge of the many facets of the development of the career of the artist(s) he represents.

Job and functions

Intervening in the various fields of culture and art, the artist agent works in the fields of cinema, television, theater and modeling, music and song, visual arts and also the Internet and social networks. He can also represent animators or sportsmen.

In order to make the career of his artists take off, he calls upon his network to organize their activities: 

  • Representation in art galleries and auction houses,
  • Direct contact with collectors, 
  • Programming in radio, television,
  • Organization of concerts and performances,
  • Choice of castings,
  • Organization of collaborations,
  • Management of the schedule,
  • Organization of travel and meetings (schedules and reservations)
  • Partnerships, public appearances, promotion,
  • Relations with journalists, 
  • Research and negotiation of contracts,
  • etc.

The artist's agent, formerly called impresario, is in charge of placing the artist as frequently and efficiently as possible in order to make him/her evolve towards the highest steps. He is also in charge of negotiating the rates for his services and/or works. 

Profile and qualities of the artist agent

The artist's agent must rely on his personality and his ability to mobilize a wide range of knowledge. With a rich and varied network, well anchored in the field in which he is a specialist, he is able to foresee opportunities and easily create links with the people he meets. He is both a visionary and a businessman, in permanent contact with his artists and the various actors of his activity. He is particularly reactive, available and endowed with a particularly positive personality that allows him to find solutions to every problem raised, especially in terms of event management.

Become an Artist Manager

The Artist Manager is a specialist in the arts and culture sector. Often self-taught and trained on the job through field experience or membership of a network, he or she is now required to master new skills linked to the internationalization of markets, the multiplication of players, the advent of numerous computer and web tools, particularly in communication and financial matters.

There are few training courses that allow the acquisition of the required skills and qualities and they are located within business, arts and communication schools, as well as universities. They offer courses related to cultural management, the art market, and the media field dedicated to it.

Specialized schools: IESA, ICART, EAC.

Universities: Bachelor's and Master's degrees in mediation and/or cultural management in the faculties of major French cities as well as in IAE and IEP.

Specialized Masters in Grandes Ecoles of Business: the specialization offers of the French Grandes Ecoles of Business have diversified in order to propose courses of excellence where their know-how is applied to particular fields. This is the case for Health and the Arts, among others.

Specialized Masters, such as the one offered by the Paris School of Business, allow students with a first cultural or business background to specialize and quickly acquire a professional profile combining practical experience, management and art history. Two specializations are offered: Art and Performing Arts. Thanks to the experience acquired during their year of work-study, graduates are immediately operational and can easily enter the job market.

Career development and remuneration

The Artist Manager is paid in the form of a commission. It represents between 10 and 40% of the earnings (fees and contracts) of the artists they represent. His income is thus proportional to the success of the artists or personalities he develops and can strongly increase when one of them knows a good ascension. 

He can also turn to a salaried status within an agency, generally based in a large capital, or evolve towards functions of public relations, communication and cultural management in general.
