Master in Accounting, Consulting & Auditing

Master’s in Accounting, Consulting & Auditing

Entry level
3 years of post-secondary study

Diploma awarded
State-recognized Master’s degree (5 years post-secondary, RNCP level 7*)

Durée de formation

2 years, starting in September

Language of instruction


Work-study, 2 days in school/3 days in company

Frais de scolarité
Tuition fees
€11 865 per year

The Master in Accounting, Consulting & Auditing in detail

The Masters Cycle of the Master in Management – Grande Ecole program comprises a two-year curriculum officially recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and is awarded with a Master’s-level diploma (5 years of post-secondary studies – Level 7*). It benefits from being delivered by a triple crown internationally accredited school (AACSB, AMBA and EFMD).

The Accounting, Consulting & Auditing specialization can be accessed via parallel admissions in the fourth year of studies.

This specialization trains students to become qualified accounting and auditing managers. It includes preparation for the DSCG written examinations needed to pursue a career in these areas.

*The level 6 (NSF 313) "Diplôme en management général et international" awarded by PSB Paris School of Business is RNCP registered under the reference number 36785 by the Director General of France compétences as of 01/09/2022.

Aim of the specialization

Preparation for a top-level career in the following professions/areas:

  • Chartered Accountant
  • Auditor
  • Auditing
  • Consulting
  • Accounting and Financial Departments
  • Management Control

The main objective is to enable students to develop a sound body of knowledge in Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management Control, Taxation, and Information Systems.


Work-study format

Training in work-study format is especially suited to the needs of accounting and finance departments within companies and chartered accounting firms.

To facilitate students’ entry into working life, Paris School of Business has developed exclusive contacts with chartered accounting and auditing firms, as well as large corporations.

The Paris School of Business careers services makes work-study opportunities available to students, as well as personalized support via research technique workshops offered from May onwards.

Work-study schedule:



 3 days in class/2 days in company





 Full-time in company





 2 days in class and 3 days in company




Students benefit from intensive preparation for the DSCG written examinations to gain access to positions working as a chartered accountant and auditor.

This preparation is based heavily upon the new programs offered by the DSCG (Higher Education Accounting and Management diploma).

2 280
Work-study contracts signed per year

Specializations 100% in work-study mode

Corporates partners

18 846

*Paris Business School figures 2023

A word from the Head of specialization

"The Paris School of Business Master in Accounting, Consulting & Audit provides a unique, combined springboard for the accounting, consulting and auditing professions. Beyond the dissemination of a sound body of knowledge, the program also hones the self-awareness and exceptional relational behaviors so highly appreciated by companies"

Christophe HURON

Head of Specialization

Academic content

The program is structured into four semesters (two per academic year).

1st semester:

a refresher of fundamental subjects (Finance, Law, Marketing etc.).

2nd semester:

dedicated to learning about the key areas of the profession, such as Accounting, Management Control, Law, and Finance.

3rd semester:

complete in-company immersion.

4th semester:

dedicated to deepening exploration of fundamental subjects (Finance, Law, Auditing, Accounting etc.).

Total class time is 511hrs for the fourth year and 504hrs for the fifth.

Admission to the Master’s in Accounting, Consulting & Auditing

To be admitted onto the Master’s in Accounting, Consulting & Auditing, candidates have to go through an examination procedure

File review

  •  ID photography
  •  Copy of passport or identity card
  •  A copy of high school diploma and any other diploma obtained since high school, with a translation in French if the original is not in English or French
  •  A school certificate for the current academic year (2023/2024) if applicable
  •  French test results obtained (TCF, DELF/DALF) if French is not the native language.
  •  Supporting statement from a teacher, head of institution, or an employer (not mandatory but strongly recommended)
  •  Resume and a cover letter
  •  Reference letter from a professor or a former employer, or any relevant person including contact details of the referral
  •  €100 for the application fees (€50 for state scholarship students upon presentation of the notified final decision)

English test

English test results obtained (IELTS/TOEFL TOEIC) in last 2 years for applicants to have already taken a test.

If you are not in a position to provide this official grade, you will receive a link to an online test.

Minimum level required for applicants to programs in English:

1st-3rd years : IELTS 5.5/TOEFL 70

4th year : IELTS 6 / TOEFL 80

Individual interview

The aim of this interview is to assess your degree of motivation and open-mindedness, as well as to evaluate the complementarity of your personality, your knowledge and the teaching delivered at Paris School of Business.

It is also designed to assess your ability to imagine/construct an idea and suggest an original solution to an issue.

Personalized support

We offer personalized support for people suffering from disabilities as well as for sportspeople, artists, and entrepreneurs.

To find out more, consult our specially dedicated page.

What to do after the course ?


Professional integration

Following successful completion of the Accounting, Consulting & Auditing specialization, graduates can aspire to a wide range of positions, such as the following:

   Chartered Accountant
   Internal and external Auditors

The school does not offer any track beyond graduation from this program.


of graduating students are in full employment


found a job within six months following graduation

Results indicators 2022


of students have found employment in line with their level of studies


of Masters in Management – Grande Ecole students graduated


average salary

Apprenticeship contract break rate: 3%

Rate of break from studies in progress: 2.52%

Specific indicators are calculated by ministries in charge of professional training programs and State Education. Available at:

How to finance your training?

Tuition fees


This training program costs €11,865 per year and will be covered in their entirety by your host company since you will be registered on a work-study contract.

In addition, as an employee of the company you will receive a salary.

The Master in Accounting, Consulting & Auditing's pedagogy

Assessment methodology

Successful completion of the five required blocks delivers the intended Master in Management – Grande Ecole program diploma and the associated level 7 RNCP certificate.

The skill validation frame of reference is based upon written and oral assessment methods, including the following:

Case studies :

  • Professional simulation exercises
  • Roleplay exercises
  • Individual and group projects
  • Professional placement report

Current academic year: 2023-2024

Teaching format

Over the course of their time at Paris School of Business, students receive a varied teaching approach in order to nurture their creativity and adaptability.

Teaching formats :

  • Groupwork
  • Theory classes
  • Professional simulation exercises
  • Inverted classes
  • Business Games
  • Common-theme projects
  • Workshops

Competency targets

For successful completion of their Masters, students must validate the five following skillsets.

If students do not validate all the skillsets required for obtaining the professional certificate but successfully complete all skills related to one of the sets, each of the skillsets concerned will have been definitively validated.

  1. Devising a departmental/organizational strategy
  2. Planning, optimizing, and managing the budget and coordination of z department and/or organization’s financial affairs
  3. Managing a transformation and/or innovation project in a national and/or international context
  4. Managing individual staff and teams
  5. Steering the audit of an organization or set-up

This program cannot be combined with another training program.

However, partial certification with another program is possible (see the RNCP diploma file).

In addition, prior professional experience may be validated with credits upon request, which must be submitted by email to:

For further information on the validation of prior experience at PSB, please visit the following page.



For any questions regarding the Accounting, Consulting & Auditing specialization, please contact the Admissions service.

Céline Renault

Head of Master in Management – Grande Ecole program admissions


Management Controller, Devoteam

From the very outset at Paris School of Business, I had a distinctly international outlook. The school has secured a number of partnerships with renowned universities, including Boston University where I spent the third year of the program. The American-style culture of innovation and leadership left such an impression on me that I went back for a second time during a gap year. My aim was to obtain a helicopter view on finance by coupling my specialization in Accounting, Consulting & Audit with a double degree in Financial Management.

The study path at Paris School of Business has created a host of professional openings. I was able to carry out an internship as a reporting analyst at ClubFunding and a work-study period as a financial auditor at KPMG Luxembourg.


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Your data will be kept for a period of 3 years; to learn more about the management of your personal data and to exercise your rights, please consult the school's data protection policy or send an email to the data protection officer of the school of your choice.

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