In the SpotLight: Professor Edition - Issue #12

In the SpotLight: Professor Edition - Issue #12
Name: Casandra Prerost
Main Course(s) taught with PSB: Market research, Marketing, Ethics, Luxury, Cultural industries, and Business intelligence
Joined PSB: 2009
Nationality: Australian
Mrs. Casandra Prerost is the second Paris School of Business professor in the SpotLight!
She teaches several courses at both undergraduate and graduate level at PSB. She has experience and familiarity in business which she shares with her students. Initially coming to Paris as a diplomat on posting to France, her career has given her the opportunity to travel around the world.
Currently involved in associations for the development of tablet based learning systems, first developed for the Microsoft IMAGINE Cup, she is also involved in applied market research and hands on undertakings in her field of expertise. 
Mrs. Casandra Prerost even has projects in film and script with international cultural and marketing collaborations.
Mrs. Casandra Prerost gives some advice to PSB students:
“Work hard to build a portfolio of your work and extra-curricular projects so you have your Unique Selling Proposition when you go job hunting.
It's a tough job market today, so you need to differenciate yourself from your competitors - write a professional blog, and work on how to pitch yourself and your projects!
See more of Paris School of Business' International Faculty Members!
Written by: A.MES
Photograph by Alex Trung Anh On