Guria Project in India from 10th May to 14th June, GduCoeur Is Mobilizing!

Guria Project in India from 10th May to 14th June, GduCoeur Is Mobilizing!
The ESG Management School G du Coeur Association Is Committed to Fighting Human Trafficking in India
Seven students from the ESG Management School association G du Coeur are in Benares, in northern India, from 10th May to 14th June to support the work of the Guria association which fights the forced prostitution of women by taking care of little girls and carrying out prevention awareness actions with the population.
One objective: to support children’s schooling
During their mission, the members of the student association G du Coeur:
Participate in the educational and economic development of the region, particularly by supplying locally-purchased school materials and clothing or by offering basic maths and English classes. They will also hold recreational workshops where the children may express themselves through group games.
Implement an art therapy project that was created by a group of Spanish volunteers allowing children to externalise events that are sometimes difficult for them which they've experienced through drawing and dancing.
Finally, they will participate in school meetings to spread awareness among children for human trafficking and forced prostitution.
The ESG Management School association G du Coeur is a humanitarian and charity association with some fifty members committed to humanitarian work. The business school students are involved all year long in charity work in France and abroad.
Follow the students live in Benares