Paris School of Business: become the entrepreneur of tomorrow

Paris School of Business: become the entrepreneur of tomorrow

The development of startups since 2000 and the simplification of the business creation process, with the creation of micro-entrepreneurs in the first place, offer young people other perspectives than a salaried employment. Independence, mobility, innovation, entrepreneurship are synonymous with commitment and passion for one's professional activity. To ensure that they have all the chances on their side, and to avoid the pitfalls, students who aim to create their own business choose to acquire all the necessary skills in the major business schools. Paris School of Business, thanks to its long-standing network of partners, its support services and its various business creation programs, has made entrepreneurship a specialty.

A school to become an entrepreneur: create to be useful

Students who know from the beginning of their higher education that they want to become entrepreneurs are often creative, independent and full of energy. The desire to create a company is both a desire for independence and above all a passion for innovation, and the ability to create a new product, service or solution that impacts the lives of its consumers, users. Whether it's B to B or B to C, entrepreneurship is above all about seizing the opportunity to fill a gap, to provide a service.

Training in a business school to become an entrepreneur

Business schools are the best choice to get acculturated to the business world: the teachings turned towards financial management, management, purchasing, human resources, development and business strategy are the essential bases to have to succeed in building one's own project. In addition to these fundamentals, the soft skills and creativity development courses allow future entrepreneurs to develop their spirit of initiative and their sense of leadership. Third important point: having a renowned degree makes it easier to gain the trust of banks and financial partners when creating a project. Finally, the alumni network and the links forged within and between the classes are a real asset for students. They also benefit from real-life experience through internships and work-study programs, which allow them to experience the company from the inside in order to understand its workings and find inspiration for their future professional practice. 

Paris School of Business is totally in line with this approach, which is dear to the heart of Marc-François Mignot Mahon, President of the Galileo Global Education group, to which it belongs. His aim is to enable the company to no longer be seen as a structure run by elites who generate their own profit, but as the possibility of "reconciling individual adventure, private enterprise and the general interest: the limited-profit general-interest company or limited-profit public limited company".

Entrepreneurship at the Paris School of Business

Entrepreneurship is present throughout the PSB curriculum, both in the Bachelor's program and in the Grande Ecole program, which offers students a dedicated Master's degree.

Entrepreneurship in the Bachelor program

Entrepreneurship is distilled throughout the three years of the program, through a progressive organization: 

In the 1st year : the objective is to acculturate students to business and the entrepreneurial spirit: immersion in the Paris Entrepreneurs' Fair, Entrepreneurial Culture module, 

In the 2nd year : The "My little Start-up" project puts students in a situation where they can create their own company that they can then choose to develop.

In the 3rd year : The Start-up & Business Development Specialty allows students to develop their own business project or takeover of a company by benefiting from the personalized support of various partners and PSB's entrepreneurship program.

The Entrepreneurship and Business Development Master's program at the Paris School of Business

PSB students have the opportunity to finalize their entrepreneurship-oriented curriculum with the Master's degree in Entrepreneurship and Business Development, which is specially dedicated to innovative and economic initiatives. 

Entrepreneurship and business mechanisms, specific tools, management techniques: students in the Master's program try their hand at all functions in order to experience business from the inside and understand its challenges. 

They also benefit from the Paris school of Business incubator, which offers them the possibility of getting started as soon as possible by implementing their project, studying the feasibility of an idea or exploiting a business opportunity that they have identified and want to develop and make a reality. The incubator is the ideal place where they can find individualized support, as well as the professional network and financing or training structures needed to develop their business plan.
