Roberta Grossi



CEO of Horizons7 in Paris, France

PSB Paris School of Business has been a great experience for me. I do not think I would have achieved my goals if PSB had not been so understanding, flexible and able to adapt to many unexpected circumstances that happened during my Doctorate of Business Administration.

I chose PSB Paris School of Business because of the perceived flexibility and great professionalism of the faculty supporting the DBA and the research. Also the opportunity to publish the dissertation given to students is very appealing.  I had the chance to study in many different cities, and I think that Paris is still the best. I have worked and lived in Paris for many years and I think it is the most beautiful city in the world.

Many years ago I founded my own consulting firm called Horizons7 in Paris. My firm is specialized in cross-cultural management, negotiations, leadership and communication. I have worked for 160 multinationals in 5 different continents and a number of languages.

The Doctorate of Business Administration gave me even more competitive edge and credibility vis-à-vis my clients. My research was based on negotiation skills and it helped me have a stronger approach to assist my clients succeed in their tough negotiations. 
