Bachelor's Parallel Admission – Entering in the 3rd year

Bachelor's Parallel Admission – Entering in the 3rd year


Bachelor's Parallel Admission – Entering in the 3rd year
Students enrolled in parallel admission following a Bac +2 (B3 AST) in the Grande Ecole Program have the opportunity to study abroad for a semester as part of a semester mobility exchange.
Taking advantage of this opportunity is not only a plus for your CV but an enriching human and personal experience as it will allow you to discover another way of learning, expand your knowledge and improve your linguistic abilities. It's also a chance to make new friends, and discover another country and a different culture.
This study abroad semester is recognised and counts toward your Bachelor's 3 AST degree yet is not subject to any additional tuition fees.

Informations générales

General Information
Studying abroad as part of a semester mobility program allows you to study for a semester at a PSB Paris School of Business partner higher education institution.
You may apply for an Erasmus exchange (the majority of European Union destinations) or a Bilateral exchange (outside the EU). The credits you obtain (/30 ECTS) at our institution will count towards your PSB Paris School of Business course.
But remember, exchange openings are limited and based on a reciprocity model (1 inbound/1 outbound). Since the demand is higher than the offer (1 to 3 openings per partner on average), assignments are made upon application in June and September of each year for departures at the beginning of the following year.

Who can go?
Les étudiants inscrits en Bachelor 3 AST (admission parallèle uniquement)
Semestre 2 de Master 1
Is it a requirement?
Non, c’est optionnel sauf pour les étudiants inscrit en B3 International Track.
How much does it cost?
0€ (vous réglez uniquement les frais de scolarités de PSB Paris School of Business).
What are the pre-requisites?
Moyenne générale entre 10/20 et 14/20 (varie selon les partenaires) et justificatif linguistique (IELTS, TOEFL, attestation) selon langue d’enseignement dispensées sur place (Anglais, Espagnol, Italien, Russe, etc…).
What is the process?
Les candidats ayant validés les prérequis pourront faire jusqu’à 5 vœux différents sur Internet en complétant le formulaire en ligne et en attachant les documents requis. Les affectations seront effectuées selon un barème précis et objectif Mi-septembre par le service des relations internationales.
Where to study?  
90 universités partenaires dans 40 pays


Presentation/informations : February/March of your 3rd year
Candidature : 1st round in June – 2nd round end of September
Assigment : 1st round in June – 2nd round end of September
Departure : Periods of study depend on the continent. In general, the dates are as follows:
Australia / New Zeland
Semester 1: From February to June
North America
Semester 1 : From January to May
South America
Semester 1 : From February to June
Semester 1: From April to July
Semester 1: From January to June

